Bernardo Gallegos
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Bernardo Gallegos Page 06 - Part D
In the seventh century another great wave of
people, of a different racial stock and religion--Semitic and Mohammedan--
starting from Arabia and along the shores of the Red Sea, swept rapidly
through Egypt and Africa and across into Spain and France. For a time it
looked as though they might overrun all western Europe and bring the
German tribes under subjection. Fortunately they were definitely stopped
and decisively defeated by the Franks, in the great Battle of Tours, in
732. They also overran Syria and Persia, but were held in check in Asia
Minor by the Eastern Empire, which did not completely succumb to barbarian
inroads until Constantinople was taken by the Turks, in 1453.
The importance of the result, to the future of our western civilization,
of this battle in the West can hardly be overestimated. The future of
European government, law, education, and civilization was settled on that
Saturday afternoon in October, on the battle plains of Tours. [5] It was a
struggle for mastery and dominion between the Aryan and Semitic races,
between the Christian and Mohammedan religions, between the forces
representing order on the one side and destruction on the other, and
between races destined to succeed to the civilization of Greece and Rome
and a race representing oriental despotism and static conditions.
[ Part A ]
[ Part B ]
[ Part C ]
[ Part D ]
[ Part E ]
[ Part F ]